One of the most magical events in the animal kingdom is occurring over the next couple weeks in British Columbia’s mountain wilderness. Under the deep snows of the Coast to Cascades and other regions, our largest terrestrial carnivores, the grizzly bears are giving birth to helpless, hairless, one-pound cubs.
The BC government recently called for comments on the re-opening of two areas of the grizzly bear hunt in our province. To voice our opinion on the matter, we sent in our position to the Ministry of Forest, Lands and Range Operations. Read more for our full comment and for more information, please contact us.
VANCOUVER - The Coast to Cascades Grizzly Bear Initiative condemns the killing of Jewel, one of the few remaining females in the Stein-Nahatlatch grizzly bear population south of Lillooet. The isolated group of bears, named after the iconic Stein Valley Heritage Park, now numbers fewer than 24 animals and is in serious danger of disappearing.
Vancouver – Today marks the launch of the Coast to Cascades Grizzly Bear Initiative, a campaign to prevent the disappearance of southwest B.C.’s grizzly bears and to rebuild their populations.